
My name’s Kyle, and I’m a self-taught UI/UX designer and developer living and working in Indy. I design simple, yet rich experiences for the Web and mobile devices.

I am in my mid-twenties and love getting outdoors any chance I get. When I’m not at a computer, you might find me off away on some backpacking trip, swimming laps at the pool, playing a musical instrument, enjoying a good book, or journaling in my hammock.

Currently, I am looking for opportunities in which using my talents can make a difference in the world. Whether that would be in the realm of music, technology, or designing/developing the next latest & greatest, I believe I have a purpose, commitment, and calling to elevate the lives of others. I’m pretty passionate about it, too!

I’m always looking for cool people to connect with, so drop me a line if you would like to chat!


Kyle Affolder


  • Ball State University

    Bachelor of Music, Digital Media | 2007 — 2011

Work Experience

  • Ministry Intern

    Grace Church | Sept 2015 — May 2016

  • UI Consultant

    BlueSky Technology Partners | Aug 2012 — Jul 2015

  • Web Designer / Developer

    Keynote (Apprenticeship) | Sept 2011 — Aug 2012

  • Volunteer Webmaster

    Ball State University Singers | Aug 2009 — May 2011


  • Eagle Scout w/ Gold Palm Rank

    Boy Scouts of America | 2004

  • The President's Volunteer Service Award

  • NACPC Web Design Competition

    National Aerosol Products Council


  • Ball State University—

    • Curricular Activity Participation

    • Extra-curricular Activity Participation

