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Client:BlueSky Technology Partners
Date:June 2015
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BlueSky Technology Partners Re-design

BlueSky Technology Partners is an eCommerce consultancy implementing solutions that are tightly aligned to IBM's market–leading Smarter Commerce portfolio. Headquartered in central Indiana, and with consultants across the United States and Canada, BlueSky's solution delivery teams have developed and continue to develop numerous enterprise B2C and B2B solutions with global reach for the retail, manufacturing/CPG, distribution and life sciences industry segments.

Work Performed

BlueSky's previous site had become old and outdated due to a strict focus of company time being spent on client project work rather than the continued maintenance and development of the company's own site. Putting their creative team to the test, I along with two other designers was first tasked with creating new design comps to better–represent the company's developing brand and image. Administration desired for the new site design to have more of an agency feel. After finishing the design comps, I led the charge on both front-end and back-end development. The site was implemented into a popular open–source CMS so that the marketing team could more–easily manage and keep the site up-to-date.

Custom functions, post types and a custom theme were created. Some experimental features such as SVG & CSS3 animations were also included in the site design as well as third–party/social media APIs and other libraries and plugins. The site was developed with the latest HTML5 and SASS standards (compiled to CSS3 for the production environment).