Coriell Institute thumbnail

Coriell Institute Catalog UI/UX Re-design

Coriell Institute is an independent non-profit research center dedicated to the study of the human genome. Coriell is comprised of expert staff and pioneering programs in the fields of personalized medicine, cell biology, cytogenetics, genotyping, and biobanking. Essential to the Institute's support of international scientific research, Coriell owns a renowned cell bank where they manage and distribute the world's most diverse collection of cell lines, DNA, and other biological resources.

Work Performed

Coriell Institute consulted BlueSky Technology Partners' creative services to come up with a new, fresh and better design to their online biobank catalog. This online website allows scientists to purchase cell lines, DNA, etc. for research purposes. As you can imagine, a site that sells specific strands of DNA or cell lines has a catalog of thousands of products. Coriell needed a clean and more–concise way to display the necessary data.

I was tasked with creating new design comps and giving their existing online catalog site a facelift. Focus was kept on responsiveness as their analytics are showing an increase in tablet–browsing. The creative comps were created in Adobe Illustrator and multiple rounds of revisions were offered to the company.