DJ Dimitry thumbnail
Client:DJ Dimitry
Date:April 2011

DJ Dimitry Site Design & Branding

Work Performed

This website was created to fulfill my Digital Media minor ICOM 201—Web Design & Usability course requirements. The design of the website was first sketched with a wire-framing program and later realized in the Adobe Suite. The design files were then hand–coded from PSD to valid XHTML. Additional features were implemented such as an animated menu, an auto–updating calendar feed on the Events page (which pulls its data from a Google Calendar), as well as a JQuery–driven image slideshow on the Discover page. A custom design was also created to skin the JPlayer HTML–5/Flash compliant music player featured on the Discover page.

This website was created initially to satisfy classroom project requirements, but later used by DJ Dimitry to establish his online identity. The website is hosted by A Small Orange.